Welcome to the restaurant


We are pleased to announce that we have just open a new restaurant near in your street namely The Noodle Restaurant. We have a different kinds of noodles and  snacks that will surely suit your taste and we offer a very affordable price. This business is not new in the market and we have 4 branches already. I am attaching a menu for you.

I hope you can drop by to our store so that you can try our very yummy noodles and snacks. Our store is open until midnight. All informations are in the menu including our number for the free delivery. We are pleased to serve you.

The Noodle Restaurant, provides good quality service and customers satisfaction. Im looking forward to meeting you.

Thank you,


San Juan
The Noodle Restaurant

Chef’s choice

Noodles in Asia and Pasta in Europe may look similar, however they have many differences.

Japanese noodles tend to use softer wheat whilst pasta wheat is generally the harder, durum variety that grows in the Mediterranean region. Softer wheat gives noodles a lighter colour, a smoother, silkier feel and enables them to cook quickly, whilst harder durum wheat provides pasta with a more golden colour, a strong, elastic texture and a firmer bite.

Also, noodles generally contain salt, added to develop the softer protein and help bind the dough, whilst pasta is mostly salt-free. This means that noodles are cooked without the need for extra salt.

Noodles were traditionally served in a hot or cold seasonal broth whilst pasta had a sauce added. Nowadays, though, fusion cuisine is offering all sorts of exciting new ways to prepare noodles.

But the most important different is how they are made: whilst pasta dough is generally extruded, much like squeezing a toothpaste tube, noodles are made to the “roll-and-cut” method.
